Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog Rules and General Update

It's been a long time since I've been here. I've changed the title and layout of the blog to better suit where I am now, at 23, but I am leaving the (few) old posts here, as I think that they serve to explain where I came from.

When I started posting, I was 21. Z and I were living together, but not engaged. I was in college, and he was working full time as an audio/video tech. I was trying to keep up with birth control pills, even though I wanted a baby more than anything. I'll save the specific stories of these events for other posts, but here is a general timeline of what's happened since:

September 2009: Gave up on birth control pills.
October 2009: Z proposed!
November 2009: Z unemployed.
December 2009: Graduated with a BA in English/Creative Writing and minor in French. Moved cities to be closer to Z's family.
February 2010: Z back in food service.
April 2010: My 22nd birthday. Z found job in locksmithing.
May 2010: Got a non-food service job.
June 19 2010: Wedding!
June 22 2010: Conception!
August 2010: LOST non-food service job.
August-December 2010: Unemployed.
December 2010: Z lost job. Went back as part-time audio/video tech.
December 2010: Back in food service.
February 2010: Z got job as website tech.
March 17 2010: Bug's birth day.

It's been a really big year! Right now:

Bug is one month old and hungry all the time.
Z hates his job.
I am mourning my pink hair, which will have to be dyed before I go back to work.

I am going to try to be better about posting regularly and making sure to include at least one image in each day's post, because I feel like Bug's little life is already flying, and I need to document that, as well as write out how I feel about certain big events before I forget. In accordance with this, I've written out some rules for myself:

Rule The First: There shall be one post every day, save Sunday, which shall be reserved for time away.

Rule The Second: Entries posted on Saturdays shall include only images from the week, and shall not require any writing or explanation.

Rule the Third: Everything posted herein shall be completely and totally from the heart, and shall be published regardless of the opinions of others. There will be no fear.

Rule the Fourth: This is not a parenting blog. Right now, Bug is the biggest thing in my life, and so many posts may center around things she does, or things I'm thinking about as I learn the kind of parent I want to be, but I will not restrict myself to that, because I am not just a mother. I am a whole person, and sometimes that will mean blogging about things other than motherhood.
These rules may be changed or added to as I develop a routine and settle in.

Here's hoping I can keep up this time!

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